Whakaakohia to kuri ki te huarahi ki te uru ki roto i te whare herehere mokai

Ko te whare herehere he taputapu e tika ana mo te maha o nga tangata e whai kurī mōkai.Ka penapena te kaha mo te rangatira, he waahi motuhake ano mo te kuri.Ehara ko tera anake, engarihe whare herehere mokaiKa taea e koe te awhina i a koe ki te whakahaere i te whanonga o to kuri me te awhina i a ia ki te ako ki te whakahaere i a ia ano, ka noho hei kuri pai.Engari kaore nga kuri katoa e uru ki roto i te whare herehere, no reira whakangungua ratou kia pera.

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He tino ngawari te whakaako i to kuri kia uru ki roto i te whare herehere.Ko te kaupapa kia hiahia ratou ki te uru ki roto i tewhare herehere, kaua ki te akiaki i a raatau kia kuhu ki roto i te whare herehere ka kati i te tatau.Ma tenei ka riri te kuriki ki te whare herehere, ka puta te awangawanga.Whakaakohia to kuri mokai me pehea te uru ki roto i te whare herehere:
1. Kawea to kuri ki te whare herehere ka tuu i te taonga takaro molar ki tonu i te kai kurī ki roto i te whare herehere ka maukati te whare herehere.
2. Waiho to kuri ki waho o tewhare herehereme te kore e hoatu he kai ki a ia kia puta ra ano te hiahia o te kuri ki te kuhu ki roto i te whare herehere.
3. Whakatuwheratia te whare herehere ka waiho ma te kuri e ngaungau nga kai i roto i te taonga takaro molar.
4, tatari kia mohio te kurī ki te tikanga o te kuhu me te wehe i te whare herehere, me te kii atu kia "tatari", ka kati marietia te kuaha o te whare herehere.

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Mena kua noho tonu to kuri i roto i tewhare herehere,hoatu he kai mana.Ki te rakuraku i roto i te whare herehere, me tino whakahengia.
Whai muri i te wa whakangungu rite tonu, ka whakakorehia te aukati o te kurī ki te whare mōkai, ka noho hei rohe mōna ake.Engari i te kino ki te whare herehere, ka kite ia ko tana taonga.He pai tonu te painga o tenei tikanga whakangungu.
Whakangungu Taboo: Kaua e whiua to kuri ki te whare herehere.Mena ka maka e koe to kuri ki roto i te whare herehere ka he ana ia, ka whakaaro ia he waahi kino te whare herehere.

Wā whakairinga: 10-12-21